Dear Parish Family,
St. Paul the Apostle gathers the many gifts and talents within our community for one thing – mission. We believe that each of us is called to encounter Christ personally and to follow Him passionately; to discover a unique faith calling, and to serve the world accordingly. We love God and honor the Great Commission He gave us to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
Our top priority is to provide diverse opportunities for people to have life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ. We seek to foster these encounters through excellent Sunday Masses, Christian Experience Weekends, IGNITE, and regular Eucharistic Adoration, just to name a few. We also help people to grow in their faith through the experience of the Sacraments, small faith sharing groups, adult Bible studies, the Called & Gifted program, and a variety of prayer experiences.
We live out our mission in special ways by partnering with families to pass on the Catholic faith to the 1025 children in our parish. We invest over 40% of our budget in support of St. Paul School and Assumption High School. We also offer a strong Religious Education program for children in grades 1-8. This past year we introduced WyldLife, a program directed at helping middle schoolers to encounter Christ through Bible study, faith-based activities and relationships with adult leaders. There are also opportunities for kids to grow in their faith through sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Jesus challenged the Apostles to GO make disciples. As we seek to live as intentional disciples we are called to go beyond the four walls of our church to share the Gospel by seeking the lost, serving the needy and working for justice. Many parish members quietly serve others in a variety of ways. As a parish, St. Paul's has recently gone out to share the Gospel by developing an ongoing relationship with St. Francis, our sister parish in Haiti. There are regular trips to Haiti twice a year, children between the two parishes have become pen pals, and we have raised over $115,000 to help St. Francis build a church.
The goal of the Our Faith, Our Family, Our Future offertory campaign is to increase our weekly collection sufficiently to ensure the ongoing success of our mission and to sustain the future of our parish. Please prayerfully consider your future level of giving and respond generously to God's call to "Go make disciples."
Yours in Christ,
Father Tony Herold